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About Wild & Well Recovery

Wild and Well Recovery has assembled a dynamite care team that has made Recovery from addiction their life’s mission. Coming from all backgrounds of life this team has Recovery as their top Passion and has made Recovery their life’s Purpose. Here at Wild and Well Recovery we encourage all of our clients, team members, and administration to identify their Passion Interests, make those Passion Interests their life’s Purpose, and we believe the by product of this process is Fulfillment – that’s why we say here at Wild+Well Recovery, Passion+Purpose=Fulfillment!

How do you beat addiction? You develop a life so awesome that you are Wild about it (Passion Interest Mapping). How do you stay sober? You protect your awesome life with mindful Wellness (Physical goals, Spiritual goals, Emotional goals, Intellectual goals) so that you can become Wild+Well!

At our core we believe that there is untapped greatness and unlimited potential in all of our clients. We know and believe addiction has broken our clients down and has closed their minds to the positive possibilities that were once their potential.

Sober living housing:
Wild + Well Recovery also offers the largest number of single family home Sober living accommodations in the state of AZ. We feel that the familial environment is less institutionalized and offers a better environment to ensure long term success.

“Always room for one more” is our motto when it comes to Sober living. Call about potential scholarship opportunities.

Open mind
Being Open to the positive possibilities in every moment, cultivating positive fertile soil where ideas and thoughts can grow and take root into action.
Hard Work
First, goals are set with an Open Mind approach – believing in positive possibilities. Next it is time to Act and not wait to be Acted upon – meaning it’s time to go to work, Hard Work. We have a saying here, “Without Hard Work nothing grows but weeds”.
Positive Attitude
As sure as the sun rises, so does adversity and opposition. Knowing this, we strive to prepare our clients for the fight of their lives by stressing one of the mid point program steps – Positive Attitude. Every one of us has a secret garden growing in our hearts, the garden of Positive Belief and Negative Defeat are always growing at the same time. The garden that blossoms is the one we choose to water.
As we climb the mountain of sobriety together, it’s going to take 110%. Integrity is giving it your all, supervised or unsupervised.  Only you know if you have any effort left in the tank. We challenge you to give maximum effort towards the quest of sobriety so you can be in control of your life and experience. Passion+Purpose=Fulfillment.
Passion Interest Mapping
This crucial step is created and recreated with our clients at every progression step so we can build a strong sober direction as their aftercare plan.

  • Transitional Housing: We currently have 15+ Transitional homes for client housing at a discounted rate. We want to pull out all the stops and give our clients the best possible environment for healing and recovery.
  • Add to Self Principles: Plan, Prepare, Execute, Accomplish, Discuss, Review, Change, Adjust, Move Forward!!!
  • Ohana Time: Taking the time each day to check in and check up on all our clients to make sure they know someone cares and is pulling for their sobriety. No matter what familial background you come from, we can teach you how to have a wonderful family environment.
  • Aloha Principles: We teach our clients the importance of generational respect for those who have come before us. It’s important to respect the living legacy that we are to continue or to improve the legacy that was given.
  • Therapeutic Gardening: We have dedicated a community garden area for teaching therapeutic gardening techniques that give our clients hands-on experiences with the concepts we teach. This hands-on experience is life changing and it gives clients an opportunity to see just how easy it is to grow food.
  • Therapeutic Composting: Composting is a great hands on experience that we practice with all of our sober living clients at the IOP. The metaphor is as we collect our scraps, we organize them into compost bins and allow time to turn the “waste” into “Fertilizer”. The same can be said of good therapeutic techniques, we take the “crap occurrences” of life and we organize them with life lessons learned and gratitude for the learning process.